The story of Absolut Paper and the vision to create a recyclable and fully bio-based paper bottle continues together with PABOCO. We’ve heard rumors of major progress in the project, so who better to talk to than The Absolut Company’s own Future of Packaging Director Louise Werner?
We’re told you have news from the PABOCO community regarding the paper bottle. Would you like to share with us?
Yes, we recently reached a very important milestone. We have managed to integrate the barrier – the coating that separates the fluid from the paper – into the paper itself. With an integrated barrier we can use much less barrier material and start testing different bio-based solutions.
We have managed to integrate the barrier – the coating that separates the fluid from the paper – into the paper itself
Will the paper bottle still be recyclable? Will it be plastic free?
Yes, it will be recycled as paper. The recycling rate of paper is 70 percent worldwide and separating paper from other materials is nothing new for the recycling industry. That is important, because now when we can integrate the barrier, we are testing different bio-based coatings, including bio-plastics. The important thing here is to use as little barrier material as possible and still ensure good product quality.
What input did you get from the consumers who tested the bottle earlier this year?
What satisfies me the most is that virtually everyone asked how they should recycle the bottle. It shows that people care just as much as we do. And although it’s nothing less than what we expect from our consumers, I’m still pleased that they are on board with our vision of having a fully recyclable bottle.
The bottle also has a very special touch and feel to it, with a smooth surface and detailed design elements. People said they appreciated that, and they recognized the high level of innovation that has been put into developing the bottle. They said it was in line with the Absolut brand.
How has the PABOCO partnership helped in the development of the bottle?
We are already two years into development, but we’re still constantly learning from each other. We share insights on everything that can help push development forward, like how new barrier materials performs, how consumers react to the bottle and how well the production lines manage to adapt to an entirely new packaging. Thanks to our diverse needs and expertise, all companies involved in the Paboco Community contribute in different ways to make sure we will have the most durable and sustainable bottle out there.

What’s next for the paper bottle?
With this important milestone achieved, we are eager to test the bottle even further. We test it both in labs to make sure it’s durable over time, and with consumers to make sure it’s appreciated and possible for a large-scale launch. We’re of course also looking forward to exploring bio-based materials that could work as a barrier inside the bottle.
How close are you to achieving the goal of a recyclable and fully bio-based paper bottle?
Integrating the coating into the paper is a huge step forward, and for the first time we are showing a prototype that is very close to our final vision. But we still have some important goals to achieve, like scaling the technology and quality testing of the integrated bio-based material that will replace the plastic film we use today. That is not done overnight though, so we’re still at least one and a half years from seeing it on shelves.
Read more about PABOCO here.